O.E.M. & Replacement Parts

All parts are competitively priced and guaranteed from America’s best manufacturers. They are genuine, new, factory fresh, and shipped in the manufacturer’s packaging to assure authenticity.


The most trusted, single-source for O.E.M. replacement parts.

Communication lines are always open. Fax or email us your inquiry and we'll provide quotations on availability and prices, without delay. Teleparts Inc.'s packing experts can consolidate your orders and pack to your specific requirements and satisfaction.

parts in stock at teleparts
Countries we can ship to


Genuine, name-brand parts.

Our unique emphasis on personalized service extends from inquiry to fulfillment which ensures every aspect of your order is tailored to your satisfaction.


An all-in-one O.E.M. solution.

Find your sourcing, distribution, and shipping needs all under one roof. It's what sets Teleparts, Inc. apart.

Parts Manufacturers

A wide range of parts manufacturers to cover a variety of O.E.M. replacement needs.

Equipment Manufacturers

Your entire fleet is covered with Teleparts, Inc.'s expansive inventory network.

International Shipping

Leverage our international expertise in exports and regulations to accelerate fulfillment.

Let Teleparts’ global inventory network keep your business moving.